Qingres Toys » Products » Stuffed Toys » Pink Teddy Bear » Pierre the Pink
Pierre the Pink is a fancy pants stuffed toy teddy bear. Pretending to be from France in his posh bow tie he is a classy looking bear not matter what. You can’t argue with him and claim his origination false because he can’t speak (because he is a toy) so you will have to agree to disagree.
A stuffed pink teddy in a fancy bow tie, Pierre gives some great cuddles with out all the talk of fancy cheeses or asking if there is frogs legs for dinner or snails (he’s a toy and doesn’t eat)
Watch your favourite rat movie cook up a storm in France, Pierre would love to see it with you in the living room. Or may be put on a performance for your Mum and Dad, he will be the best mime artist in the world!
Sitting quietly and ready for a cuddle at any monet (I mean moment) Pierr would love to see you eat large breadsticks and your Mum and Dad drink the loveliest of wines. He would make the perfect dinner guest at any restaurant in his bow tie, quiet demeanour and pinkness.
Pierre is pink and stuffed toy teddy for anybody who wants to add a little class to their toy collection. Smartly dressed he is and very soft he will make the best napt time companion ever. Just try him out.