Sassy the Bear

Sassy the Bear has a sassy message for your loved one. A stuffed toy teddy for anyone who is on the lower end of a ruler or named Shawty. Send her to a special person and watch them laugh at Sassy’s hearted message.

Sassy the Bear is a stuffed toy teddy that holds nothing back except the sewn on heart in her paws. She tells you how it is and her message will leave a smile on your face and a hug to your loved one.

The perfect gift for the vertically challenged special person in your life, whether they are a family member or friend. A modern day toy teddy bear that knows the lingo of saying that extra something that you may have trouble expressing.

For those who are having trouble saying what your heart feels, Sassy can help by encouraging that hug you have always wanted from them. You never know, the ‘Thank you for the gift’ hug could turn into the ‘the look’ and romance can spark from there.

If this is a gift for the little shorty in your family be prepared for some ‘revenge’ in a few possible ways like a prank, tickles or in extreme cases a wrestle to the floor if they are sensitive about their height.

Sassy the Bear is an adorable bear with a large red heart that bears a cute smile. Her cute smile and sassy message will be appreciated by everyone. Feel her soft fur and fine stitching, perfect for hugging all the time.

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