Pink Baby in Walker

Pink Baby in Walker is a friend and a transport for your child to get around the house safely and don’t miss a minute of them using this toy because you may get lucky and their first steps might be towards you. So have the camera ready.

Pink Baby in Walker is for young children who are keen to get going on their feet but still need support. This walker comes with a very soft and cuddly baby in the seat who has it’s own baby toys to play with. The teddy attachment plays music when the button is pressed which will entertain your child as they walk along.

This walker’s wheels roll along nicely and not too fast due to the plastic slightly textured wheels along hard floors and not too slow on carpeted floors. Watch your little one take their first steps across the living room with this toy and with practice and confidence they will zoom across the room and around the house.

Walkers are handy toys for toddlers learning to walk and older family members love to see they younger ones learn to walk hoping their first steps will be towards them. This is a great encouragement for a first milestone, all parents love to brag when their kids took their first steps and how young they were. This toy could let this happen for you and your child.

Pink in Baby in Walker is an easy to assemble toy and the accompanying baby doll makes a great bedtime pal with its soft plush covering, pastel colours and happy smiles.

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