Rosacia the Bear

Rosacia the Bear from Rosalot 3 is a successful graduate of the RosEarth Space Program. A program designed to fill the world with rose cultured items on the most romantic of days, Valentine’s Day. Adopt the toy stuffed teddy Rosacia and she will be rosy forever.

Rosacia the Bear is a bear from the planet Rosalot 3, a planet where everything is made of roses and there are no thorns. This stuffed toy teddy bear is so light and unusual that people will ask you where she is from. No one has ever seen a teddy bear made of roses before, how wonderfully weird.

She has no eyes but looks very sweet in her black bow around her neck. Not being able to see has not affected her on as she can hear very well and her people still love her.

Like all things on Rosalot 3 love is a very important philosophy on their little planet so when one their ancestors traveled into space centuries ago and landed on Earth they were pleased that the concept of love exited there too and that there is one day a year they dedicate to it.

So in secret with an even more secret government here on Earth, Rosalot send their best of the best to live on Earth as gifts to those who are truly in love. What better way to show someone you love by giving them something with roses on it.

With this program in place and the fact that Rosacia is fully rosy, Rosacia joined the RosEarth Space Program knowing she had great chances of being chosen. She was right because she is here with us now and on the waiting list for a new home.

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