Qingres Toys » Products » Stuffed Toys » Love Teddy Bear » BigBear the Big Bear
BigBear the Teddy Bear is a super large toy teddy bear for everybody. He is so large that he could probably take in two cuddles at a time from two different people, just be careful not to collide with each other when going in. His heart is specially made for him and he is willing to give it to you to hold forever.
BigBear is a big stuffed toy teddy bear that has a huge heart. Stuffed with recycled fibres to make him extra soft and cuddly. His large size has many uses as a slightly short human stand-in.
One of these uses is a body double at work. Just arrive at your place of work ~super~ early, both of you dressed in the same or similar outfits. This idea works best if you have your own office and even if you don’t you can place BigBear in the bathroom and lock the door, just make sure you have matching footwear and leg coverings. Next, sneak out of work and enjoy your day off.
BigBear is a super large plush stuffed toy that comes with a heart as big as your head a smile that is even bigger. A wonderful gift for any occasion and suitable for anybody big or small. Light as a feather but massive to carry so make sure you have room for BigBear in your home.
BigBear is a stuffed toy with the softest and plushest fur imaginable. Just run your hands over his fur and feel it for yourself. It’s not too long so there is no need to brush him but you can if you want. I am sure BigBear would love the soft and gentle brushing of his fur.