Colorful abacus is the tool that all homes or schools have. Without electrical parts, without batteries, without unpleasant sounds, this toy is the basic mathematical tool for everyone. Teach your child addition and subtraction in this colorful and resistant toy. Even when it’s not used for math, just watch your youngest child slip the bills, it’s relaxing for anyone. Just try it.

Colorful abacus is a mathematical tool that has existed for about 3000 years in China since the first calculator was invented. Used in basic mathematical systems and flourished worldwide in various countries and communities.

This colorful toy is useful for most children because of their sensory abilities by sliding brightly colored wooden beads through rods to join them together and see how they move and hear the clack noise they make when touched. Most parents had seen at least one in their own childhood and played with him in a toy box in an office while they waited for their parents.

Abacus is such a classic toy that it is resistant in design and materials and is not only a toy but a learning tool. Look in the classrooms of an elementary school and there will surely be one somewhere. That would have gone through so many hands and is still working as planned.

Colorful abacus has a long history and is still useful 3000 years later as a tool to help your child add and subtract, a very basic mathematical skill that everyone should learn. This abacus version makes it fresh and fun again for your classroom or home, combine it with cards and your children’s progress will improve by leaps and bounds.

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