Loxy the Fox

Fluffy tailed, big eyed, happy looking fox will be the center of attention when ‘that’ song is played. Dance around the room with it and he will be your ‘forever’ friend, a friend that you can pass on to your own children or even grandchildren.

Loxy the Fox is a lovable toy and a great little friend to have around the home. He will be your child’s furriest companion with a handy bushy tail to sweep the floors. Just strap on some fuzzy pads to your child’s clothing and hand them the fox and you will have the cleanest house in the street. Both baby and fox will be swishing the floors and furniture in no time. As your kids learns to walk on their feet they will be able to reach higher things like the TV, coffee tables, cupboards and shelving. When Loxy and baby’s clothes become dusty the can both be washed. Of course one will be in the laundry room and the other will be in the warm bubbly bath you have made.

Another bonus to having this little fox toy is having a companion named after a popular song. Everyone at the disco, club or house party will want to dance with this toy fox and ask what he says. This little guy will remain silent so everyone can enjoy the song but with his big brown eyes, they will all want to be around him.

Lastly but not least, Loxy the Fox will be loved by the grown ups as her name reminds them of another song. Hear them call your foxy friend a foxy lady and they will be coming to getchya, for cuddles.

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