Flash Cards Value Pack

Flash Cards Value Pack is a complete system for your child to learn all the basics like alphabet, colours, numbers, first words and shapes. Cartoon images for your child’s interest and colours to keep them focused and the whole experience fun for all.

Flash Cards Value Pack is a card game for your preschool and kindy aged child. Pulling all the basic areas of knowledge needed for kids of that age and placing them on easy to handle cards. These cards come in titles: Alphabet, First Words, Shapes and Colours, and Numbers everything you need to teach them.

Flash cards have been a tool used for many years in various fields of study. They are useful tools in studying for exams in any subject, psychiatry analysis, and giving speeches. A proven method to train your brain to retain and remember small amounts of information and recall them in a short amount of time.

The colourful, bright cartoon images of Mr and Mrs Potatohead will help your child focus on the card and store the image and word in their mind then recall more easily with practice. Make a game of it by making piles of cards, a pile for the ones they got right, the ones they missed. A reward system for making the right ones contain more cards each time. Watch with pride as they see their progress, fun times.

Flash Cards Value Pack contains all the subject cards you need to teach your child without hunting all over for individual same themed cards. Containing all the same characters makes it easier for your child to connect one card group to another.

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