Neon Chalk Sticks

Neon Chalk Sticks are a great outdoor temporary marker or semi permanent medium on paper. Create bright drawings on the ground or on chalkboards then switch off the lights. Blend with your fingers to see the colours merge. Brighten up the city or your home with Neon Chalk Sticks.

Neon Chalk Sticks are a messy kind of fun for everyone to use on so many surfaces to make the most colourful artworks. Easily washed or dusted off skin and clothes they make really pretty dust clouds and can be rinsed off with water from a hose or rain.

Children or adults love to use chalk to draw on driveways, footpaths or on the sidewalks of city streets. There are loads of amazing artists that draw on the city footpaths amongst crowds of onlookers. Their works are sometimes hyperrealistic and make the passing people really think they are falling into holes, hugging large toys, walking on building ledges and other strange and fantastic locales.

Make your chalkboards at home with the kids or in your place of business glow in the dark. Bright colours to show what drinks or dishes are on special at the club or restaurant. The kids can draw pictures at night to keep the ‘monster under the bed’ away.

Chalk is also fun to blend colours with your fingers with its soft and powdery texture when it on the surface of paper, concrete, pavers and bitumen. Road marking and other outdoor surface application of chalk are temporary and can be hosed off the roads and your children easily.

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