Emoji Erasers

Emoji Erasers are fun for young kids as they are for older kids and adults. Rub out all your penciled mistakes with this collection of funny and entertaining emoji erasers. See the look on everyone’s faces when you take these out instead of the boring old white, round ended, cardboard covered eraser that everyone else usually has. Be funny, be Emoji.

Emoji Erasers make school or office work fun with their bright yellow faces and emotive expressions. The are so fun to work with that you will find yourself wanting to make mistakes in pencil so you can use them. They keep your pencil case or desk drawer looking fabulous by keeping your writing and drawing implements ‘entertained’ while you work.

Erasers are handy little things and are small enough to be handled by kids and grown ups. Ideal as giveaways is party bags and show bags these erasers are fun to swap or collect them all. There are so many more varieties of emoji characters out there than there are available in this pack. Have an emoji party inside your bag when they are not in use.

So brightly colored they will be hard to misplace and but easy to spot inside a darkened pencil case or drawer when you need to quickly rub something out. Light and easy to transport in any bag you will be able to carry a backpack full of them and it won’t strain your back.

Emoji Erasers are inspired by the little friendly faced icons stored on most phones as away to communicate emotions in text. They are also featured in a big budget animated movie that kids love. If you or your kids loved the animated emoji movie then owning this set of erasers will be just the thing your penciled mistakes and writing tools need at school or in the office.

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